Thursday, January 31, 2013

Newborn Photos

Our little snuggle bear
We love you!

One Month Old!

January 23, 2012

James is now ONE month old! Since he has only been home for 3 weeks, the full month mark seemed to have snuck up on us!

Here are his stats from his one month check-up:

Weight: 10.10 lb! ~ 75% 
Length: 23 in ~ 95%
Head circumference: 39 cm ~ 90%

What we have learned this month...

Jamesy LOVES:
Eating, snuggling, baths (especially his head and bottom), Baby K'tan carrier, Rock N' Play, newborn lounger, pooping, naps, white noise (specifically running water, hair dryer, ocean and forest sounds), music, dancing, bouncing on exercise ball, car rides, play gym, storytime, baby flashcards, people talking, and most recently smiling!

Hiccups, swaddling, silence, gas, burps, tummy time

To celebrate the milestone, James and I had a mini photo shoot in his nursery (below). The first of many to come! I hope he likes the camera, because this Mama can't stop taking pictures of her handsome little man! I couldn't pick just one "month" picture to share. He makes so many faces and movements, had to capture and share them all. Enjoy!

"Mama, the photoshoot was fun, but I am DONE taking pictures!"

Friday, January 25, 2013

3 Weeks Old!

January 13, 2012

Remember this Ohio onesie from when I told Phil we were expecting?!

Look who fits into it perfectly! 

3 weeks old on 1/13/13

First Pediatrician Visit

January 7, 2013

A few days after being home we had our first pediatrician appointment, to make sure James was doing well at home and to receive his first vaccine (Hepatitis B). Needless to say, I will let the pictures speak for themselves. He was a champ! A little alarmed by the shot, but did great!

Here are his "2 week" stats:

Weight: 8 lb 7 oz ~ 50th percentile
Length: 21 inches ~ 75th percentile
Head circumference: 37 cm ~ 80th percentile

The sleepy "before" picture 

Just chillin'

 First vaccine

Tough guys cry too, just for a minute though

What just happened?! Love those big eyes! 
This picture gets me every time!

Whew, what a morning. 
Cozy and ready for my nap on the car ride home!

James' Second Week - Coming home!!

December 30, 2012 - January 6, 2013

This was a big week for James! Not only was his health improving daily, this week he moved from the critical NICU room to the more cozy NICU developmental room down the hall! This was a great sign. Gone were the days of the breathing vent and meds, he was now breathing on his own and no longer required any support. He was truly a new baby. Along with a new room, he also graduated to a regular crib (no more incubator!), and just needed to be monitored for his heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rates. 

After being on the breathing vent for a week, his body was still adjusting and trying to regulate his breathing on its own. Therefore, this week James was being monitored for his rapid breathing, or "Tachypnea" if you want the medical term. 

Here are some of the highlights from this week:

December 30:
  • Daddy gets to hold JTG for the first time!

Tiny but manly little hands. Perfectly manicured too!
Wrapped around Daddy's finger already.

  • James is moved into / upgraded to a developmental NICU room at 11pm, where we are told the "less critical" babies stay. Yay - finally!  

December 31: New Years Eve
  • First day of breastfeeding! The nurses were hesitant to let me try, due to James' rapid breathing (they wanted to wait until it was more under control), however the doctor gave us the OK. And, all went well! He was a natural. I was worried that having a bottle in the NICU would confuse him and he would not take to breastfeeding. So relieved to find this was not the case!
  • Happy New Year! We were able to count down and ring in the New Year together as a family, in the NICU. Of course, our NYE was a bit tame from previous years, but it was the perfect way to start out 2013 - as a family of 3! We cuddled with James and enjoyed sparkling fruit juice and chocolate covered espresso beans with the nurses. 

January 1: New Years Day
  • James' feeding tube is removed. He is taking to breastfeeding and bottle feeding perfectly (eating had been a concern due to his rapid breathing). We have learned not to get in between the little man and his food. There is always a will, and he will definitely find his way. 
  • James finally gets to wear his own clothes! For the first week, he only wore his birthday suit and a diaper. 

  • GrandMama & Grandpa Yale get to hold James for the first time. He is a good snuggler! 

  • We get to give James a bath!

January 2: 

  • Circumcision day. James was less than thrilled. Poor little guy. Slept most of the day afterwards. 
  • While at home before leaving for the hospital, NICU called  saying they are completely out of breast milk (I left them PLENTY the night before).  Good to see James' appetite was clearly improving. 
  • We are told that it's likely James will get to come home the next day!!
January 3: Homecoming!!
  • After 12 days in the NICU, James was finally healthy and able to come home! As we got James ready, many of the nurses stopped over to say goodbye to him and wish him well - he had touched many in his short stay there! They were all shocked and thrilled he was coming home so soon. To be honest, we felt a little like we were kidnapping him from the hospital on our way out. We had made that trip so many times that it was surreal we were finally able to take him with us! 

On our way to the hospital to finally bring our little man home!

Getting his leads removed! No more cords or machines!

James @ 12 days old 


Ready to go home!!

Take us home, Dad!

January 4 - 6 weekend:

  • First nights at home go as well as can be expected = no one sleeps the first night! Between his healing circumcision, upset tummy and wondering where he was (he was probably wondering where all of the crying babies or beeping medical machines went!) it wasn't a surprise that being home was going to mean adjustments for all. Lots of cuddling and relaxing this weekend. Sunday was a great day with visits from both grandparents.  Each day at home gets better and better! 

January 7: 

  • Tamara & James to meet his pediatrician for the first time in the morning. This marks our first real "outing" together since coming home. A good "test run" for how much time it really takes to get out the door now! 
  • After taking two weeks off, Phil heads back to work!