Sunday, April 28, 2013

4 Months Old!

April 23, 2013

James is FOUR months old?! 
Jamesy LOVES:
 Playing airplane, blowing raspberries, babbling, drooling, forward facing Baby Bjorn, his toes, sucking his thumb and/or fingers, watching lips move, making high pitch noises, hearing people talk, singing songs, listening to music and lullabies, vacuum cleaner, standing, jumping (while being held for support - his legs are very strong!), tummy time!, play gym and kick piano, grabbing and swatting toys, peek-a-boo, pulling hair, putting everything in his mouth (let the teething begin), rolling from tummy to back, water glasses, water bottles (who needs toys when watching water swish back and forth is so entertaining?), anything Mom or Dad is eating/drinking, taking baths (and kicking in tub), baby massage, story time, stroller walks, observing the outdoors (wind, listening to birds chirp, listening to/watching rain)

Being surprised with loud noises or sudden movements, big burps, cradle cap, starting to teeth
Big boy! 

And, we have a roller! James can now roll from his tummy to his back. However, I don't think it's intentional yet. It happens in slow motion too. Here he is in action:
What a difference a few months make! Remember the days when lifting his head was a struggle and only lasted a minute or two? Look at him now, Mr. Head Control. Lifts his head and neck now like it's no big deal.
Doesn't he look so pleased?! He really didn't know what to think. One minute he was looking at the pillows and the next he was looking at me. How did that happen?! After I laughed and cheered him on he let out a smile. However, I of course didn't catch that one on camera!

James is so active and eager to be a part of everything going on around him. He is very observant. Nap times are getting shorter. With his strong head control, he can now turn to look at the person talking to him. He may not really understand that his name is James yet, but he definitely responds to you when you call his name. He loves to smile, especially at the ladies. He has started laughing, but you still really have to work hard at it to get him to belly laugh. The BEST sound when he starts going though - he still sounds like a little squeaky toy (I took a video, I will try to post it)! James is obsessed with his hands and feet. He will stare at his hands (they are attached?) to the point where he starts to look cross-eyed because he puts them so close to his face, and if he's laying down or reclined he instantly grabs his toes. Babies are so flexible - it's truly amazing. He loves to gnaw on his toes like his foot is a corn-on-the-cob. Very cute. Just not when you are trying to feed him, bathe him or change his diaper!

About 4 oz every 3-4 hours. I think. I'm breastfeeding, so it's hard to tell, but that is how much he will drink if I pump and give him a bottle. By the looks of him, he is obviously a good eater. However, lately, nursing sessions have become quite the acrobatic and vocal show. James will pull my hair (he has a very strong grip!), kick his legs, walk his legs up my chest, swat my chest (or boob!) with his free hand, and create a blowout diaper, all while eating furiously. Nothing stops him! And most recently, start to yell in a high pitch voice when I try to feed him and he isn't ready, or is too distracted by something else in the room that he needs to investigate first. 

James is sleeping well at night, but still gets up once to eat. After his bedtime routine of either baby massage/bath time, pj's and story time, he will first go down around 8 p.m. and sleep until 10 or 10:30 (when we are getting ready for bed). Then I'll feed and change him and he will go right back to bed with us until about 3 or 4 a.m. to eat again. He still sleeps in the Rock-n-play in our room. However, he is great about eating and going right back to sleep. His day "starts" around 6:30 a.m. every morning. Which is great on the week days, because Phil is able to see him smiley and happy before he heads off to work. However, not so great on the weekends, when I'd love to be able to sleep just a little bit longer!

Babbling and Singing:
Although he can't say real words yet, James babbles up a storm now. It's amazing to watch the little wheels turning in his head while he's trying to move his mouth to make different noises, and entertaining himself with the sounds that come out! He is also fascinated by other people talking. He will watch your mouth intently and try to grab your nose/lips as he watches how your mouth changes when you say different sounds. So far the sounds that get the biggest smiles are "OOOO," "AAAHH," "LA LA LA," "MA MA MA," "DA DA DA," "SHHHHH," "SWISH SWISH SWISH," and the over exaggerated noise you make with your lips to make a "kiss" sound. He loves getting kisses! I am sure it will be surprising when one day James decides to repeat these sounds back to us!
James also loves singing songs. His favorites are "The Wheels on the Bus" (most likely because of the sounds that go with the song), "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," the Alphabet song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes," and the "Itsy Bitsy Spider," However, you can only sing these songs so many times before you need to start finding some new material! I've even resorted to songs I learned in middle school Spanish class (colors, vowels and Spanish-speaking countries, anyone?!). But, I recently found that James loves listening to the Sesame Street Songs that have celebrities singing kid-friendly lyrics to the tune of their hit songs. So, we have been You-tubing and enjoying those.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Only in Cleveland . . .

This week has been a roller coaster of temperatures! I know they say "April showers bring May flowers," but I am over the rain and chilly weather. Spring, where are you?!

Of course, only in Cleveland it can be almost 70 degrees on Monday, down to the 40's/50's on Tuesday, show a spark of 80 on Thursday, and dip back down into the 40's and rainy today for the weekend. Well, knowing that when it's nice out you have to go enjoy it because tomorrow can change drastically, James and I took advantage of the days and went on lots of walks. We even ventured outside of our neighborhood and visited a few nearby parks. Great week! However, I am not a fan of this "glimpse" of summer. Can it just stay nice out already?!
A peak at the lake from Wagar beach
Add a stroller to push, and suddenly the steep hill in the back becomes much more of a challenge/workout!
All bundled up for our chilly walk mid-week
Take the layers off! 80 degrees in April, what?!
Just a *quick* mile walk to Clague Park!
Long walks + fresh breezy air = long naps!
James and the ducks. Maybe we can come back soon when he's awake to feed them!
After spending lots of time at this park as a kid, it's so fun to now do those walks with James that I took when I was little!

One year ago...

April 14, 2013

One year ago, we were living in our apartment downtown and we found out we were expecting!  We didn't really know what was to come, but we knew we couldn't wait to meet whoever Baby Gibbs turned out to be. What a difference a quick year makes!

Remember when I purchased these onesies to break the news to Phil that we were going to be parents? Well, you saw James in the Ohio Baby newborn one here, back when he was only 3 weeks old (he looks SO tiny! And, surprisingly, had more hair than he does now, ha!):

3 Weeks!
Now, fast forward to age 3 months and look who fits into his 3-6 month size Ohio Love shirt perfectly. Our little love bug is getting so big!

3 Months!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

3 Months Old!?!

March 23, 2013

Oops, this post is a little delayed. BUT, James is still 3 months old, so it's still relevant.

We took pictures a few days before he officially turned 3 months, which we love (see them here - thanks again, Casey!). Since then he has added a few more milestones to his list that we had to capture. This has definitely been one exciting month for him!

Although we did not have a monthly doctor's appointment this month, here are my estimates:

3 Month Stats:
Weight: 14.5 lb
Length: 24 in 

Jamesy LOVES:
Smiling, drooling, gnawing on Daddy's knuckles, blowing raspberries, tummy time (yea! no more tears!), Mama, playing with his feet, eating his toes (so flexible!), kisses on his belly and feet, bath time, baby massage, story time, singing songs, watching people talk, "talking back," sucking on his hands (multiple fingers or fist), soaring through the air, play gym and kick piano, being held, sitting in the Bumbo, standing (while being supported), walks in the stroller, car rides, looking at the camera, looking in mirrors (who's the baby in the mirror?!), looking at the TV (mostly golf and basketball) and most recently, laughing (he sounds like a squeaky toy, hilarious)!

Cradle cap, hiccups, burps, gas
(A pretty short list! Now that he is more aware of his surroundings, he is generally a very happy baby!)

James is so much fun! I have been spoiled being able to take such a long maternity leave (16 weeks!). I love our days together. Look at that smile. He is going to be a heart breaker for sure. We already know he loves the ladies (he's such a flirt). At three months, his little personality is starting to show. He is a sweetheart (loves to cuddle, be held and kisses), is very active (kicking/dancing up a storm) and inquisitive about his surroundings, but he can also be totally dramatic when he is hungry or overly tired (understandable).

He is growing so fast. His newborn clothes didn't stand a chance. He was only in those for the first four weeks. At one month old he was already able to wear his three month clothing, and now at three months, he has outgrown almost all of his three month clothing (only a few of the "longer" pieces will fit him) and is now wearing six month clothing! I remember looking at some of the six month clothes he had in his closet when he was in newborn size, thinking they were huge! Now they fit perfectly... and I find myself saying the same thing about the twelve month sizes... can you just stay little forever, little man?!

James is starting to find his voice. Everyday it seems like a new sound comes out of him, and it's fun to watch his surprise, wondering where the sound came from. Once he realizes he's making it, he will repeat it over and over. At times he sounds like a squeaky toy, or a high pitch cat. He is very entertaining and I probably could watch him play and discover all day long (but unfortunately, we need to eat dinner, have clean dishes and clothes, and have a *generally* clean environment to live in as well...). His soft cry or whine is adorable because he says, "Ma...Ma...MA" without really knowing what that means yet. Still, it makes me feel like he's calling for me. And it's funny because if he is complaining, he will say "Wah...Wah...WAH. Wah...Wah...WAH (pause, insert pouty lip)," like the sound you would read in a book that a baby makes, but he actually says the word. He also is the master of the pouty lip. Not sure where that came from, but it's too cute.

Look who found his toes and can now put them in his mouth!

We love you, James!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Splish, Splash!

... James LOVES takin' a bath!  AND, he is facinated by his toes!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

James' First Easter!

We had a great first Easter as a family! Very low key, which was nice and relaxing.

Although he's too young to notice, I still had the urge to add a little Easter decor around the house last week for James' first Easter! He had fun helping me decorate, and looking at all of the lights and colorful eggs in his front row seat, the forward facing Baby Bjorn. 

We started the day off with brunch at our house with Grandma and Grandpa Wisch, and then had dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Yale's.

Here is the little man in all of his first Easter morning glory:

The Easter bunny came to visit!

For brunch, I made two new strata recipes that I highly recommend you try: this Apple Cinnamon one from Cooking Light, and this Monte Cristo one from Food & Wine. Although I've never made strata before, I love eating it. So, I needed to learn how to make it! These are so easy, and you can make it the night before (when baby is sleeping) to chill overnight. Therefore, brunch is made easy the day of - just throw it in the oven and an hour later, it's done! Perfect. I think we may have found a new Easter breakfast tradition (and possibly Christmas too) - they were so tasty!

James with Grandma & Grandpa Wisch (and Piper!)
Smiles for Grandma!

My parents always seem to shy away from the camera! But, we managed to get a good family shot:
Me & my snuggle bunny!

Of course, the Easter Bunny was very generous and visited James here as well:

In addition to his Easter baskets, James received this adorable personalized "James Theodore's Snuggle Bunny" book with a matching plush bunny to snuggle. So sweet. 

A big thanks to our parents for a great day spent with family!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Botanical Gardens

This Easter weekend we took James to the Cleveland Botanical Gardens.

We haven't been here since we were kids; I always forget that it's here! What a fun place to take James to. Lots of new sights and smells. Although it was chilly outside, inside the glass gardens were warm and steamy - a great place to kick off the beginning of Spring (or, more like a great way to make it feel like Spring, as we wait for winter to disappear and Spring to actually get here already!). We felt like true new parents. We took the stroller to the second public place it's ever been to, and attempted to maneuver it through crowds of people, rain, butterflies and elevators. And, nothing quite caps off the experience like nursing and changing the little man in the backseat of the car, in the parking garage. Success! I see lots of "family day outs" and road trips in our future. Afterward, we paid a visit to Little Italy and Phil and I enjoyed a semi-dinner date (as James took a nap and let us enjoy our wine ;) ).

Fun family day!