A sea of families did not stop James from making his way from the back to the very front.
Can you see him? The one with the orange tiger hat? No, he didn't want to be closer to enjoy the story that was being read aloud - he wanted to read his own Curious George story in the open chair, meant for him, of course. Two is a fabulous age.
To our surprise, the chair was not reserved just for James,
but for Curious George himself!
They shook hands, during story time, naturally.
I think the world disappeared for James when he laid eyes on his idol.
And front and center James stood, offering a stuffed Curious George,
to George, during the entire story time.
And then he had to meet him again, in case George didn't see him the first time.
And seal the friendship with a high-five
Curious James, and his pal, George.