Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tribe Game!

First Indians game of the season for us this weekend! 
As you can imagine, James LOVED it. Every minute. Perfect day for baseball!
Checking out the new Great Lakes logos and renovated deck area
James' face says it all
Fun day at the ballpark! 

Thursday, May 21, 2015


And if he's not playing baseball...
you can bet he's kicking a soccer ball!
I have a feeling t-ball and soccer will be our summers next year when he's 3!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


James came with me to my dentist appointment this week. When asked if he wanted his teeth "cleaned" (aka counted), he hopped right in the chair and let Dr. Dan check out his pearly whites. He currently has 3 molars trying to pop through! He was very proud of his new toothbrush and toy. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015


James is currently obsessed with baseball! He loves reading stories, watching baseball on TV, going up to the park to watch little league baseball, running the real bases at the park, dressing like a baseball player and most of all playing baseball whether it be inside or outside 'in my back yard.'

Things he says that crack us up these days:

"I a baseball player, I whack the ball so hard!"

"I hit a home run! (He runs the 'bases' and slides into 'home plate') I safe! I scored! I scored!" (Jumping up and down clapping)

'Mama, I be batter, you be pitcher. Oh! You need a helmet! (Gives me a helmet, such as a firefighter helmet or construction helmet) Keep head safe! Not get hurt!"

"Let's play some baseball! Oh! I need my jersey (runs to get his baseball shirt)."

'Mama, you a batter, put game face on!' (Scrunches his face all serious)

And, he sings 'Take me out to the ballgame' and then takes a bow. Love this age!

New Baseball Jammies for Easter!
(He asks to wear these every night. Thanks Pop and Cha-Cha!)
Mama! Baseball field! Let's play!!
His "game face"
Fast little runner

Resting up after a big indoor game :)