Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Miss or a Mister?

August 18, 2012

We finally had our long awaited housewarming party and gender reveal party! Or, as Phil liked to refer to it, our "sex" party. :)

So... what do you think? Is Baby Gibbs a MISS or a MISTER? It was fun to see everyone's guesses before we found out. Glad I took a picture to remember how everyone voted! Thanks, everyone, for playing along!

I'll let the balloons speak for themselves....

What color balloons are going to pop out?!

Thanks Mama Wisch for taking the time to make 
all of the yummy chocolate cupcakes! 
The blue and pink handmade candies were so cute.  
And, all of my co-workers loved the leftovers and the candies too! ;)

Thanks Mama Yale for the adorable fruit arrangement!

Leave it to my Dad to bring the "options":
Will it be a Labatt Blue or a St. Pauli Girl?!!
(Thanks Dad!)

Thanks Aunt Jen & Uncle Harlow for the cute flowers!

"Are you a MISS or are you a MISTER?! Are you a MISS or are you a MISTER?! 
... Tell me... your pronoun...!"

Phil's mentor, Mr. Mark Parr, arranged a fun little surprise for us. He had his daughter Emily (above) on call to Skype with us all. Phil and I sat on the couch so Emily could serenade us (and the baby belly) with an adorable little "pronoun" song, while playing a ukulele! What a fun little song, very catchy! It was definitely a great surprise, and built the suspense in the room! Thanks Mark and Emily - what a great memory!

The crazy jungle gym we inherited in our backyard when we moved in... 
finally put to good use! The kids were entertained all day long! 
Maybe we should keep it?

Christine, Me & Casey
@ 23 weeks ~ start of 6 months!
Good friends and mamas who I will definitely be asking LOTS of 
questions to in these next few months! 

Team "Boy"
Christine & Jack, Mark, The Queen & Boss (aka, the Carsons), Mama-to-be, Jason, 
Uncle Hank & Aunt Holly, Papa Wisch, Piper and Casey

Team "Girl"
George, Kevin, Mama Wisch, Mike, Linds, Mama & Papa Yale, Daddy-to-be, 
Molly, Megan, Marie and Barbara

Sweet anticipation! 

The box was sealed so tightly! 
Took awhile to open all the tape! 

Which color is it going to be?!

The kids loved the "balloon game" too! 

It's official, here's our card for proof! The doctor circled "BOY"!
For the record, my "feeling" of "boy" all along turned out to be true!

George, Phil, Kevin & Mike

Great day for a bocce ball game!

Thanks Mrs. Carson for the beautiful flowers! 
You were right, more blue flowers than pink were the perfect choice!

The little Mister is spoiled already!

Can you believe it?! 
In just a few months... we will be welcoming a little BOY! 
We are thrilled!

Thanks to our parents, friends and family that could join us for a special day! And a big thanks to Linds for coming in from Chicago and helping me clean and get ready for the party (especially for making the field trip with my Dad to get those important balloons in the box!). We felt very lucky to be able to share the special moment with all of you, and are thankful that Baby Gibbs has so many people that love HIM already! What a great day and fun surprise!

1 comment:

  1. So cute and I can't wait to meet my nephew. ps keep the playset unless its in bad shape. :-)
