James is 8 months old now!
Well, since I completely missed an official 7 month post on 7/23 (although there have been pictures in between), here goes a 7th & 8th month update...
These past few months have really been exciting! James is checking off his milestones left and right. Although it's been so fun watching him (and, chasing him), he is growing up too fast! He is completely mobile now, full blown crawling. His little personality is showing through more and more each day. James is such a happy and easy going baby (we are lucky!). He is brave, strong, persistent, curious, sweet and hilarious. We think he is pretty smart too.
Firsts during 7th month:
- Pulling up to standing! After practicing pulling up and standing in his crib in his sleep, his wobbly legs and not-yet-strong-enough arms made us a nervous wreck watching him climb around the crib at night. Hard wood posts are not exactly the safety net you want to fall into. However, before he learned to "sit" back down, James had no fear and did several "trust falls" going from standing in the crib and attempting to jump on the mattress to just letting go and falling backwards. As you can imagine, ouch! Therefore, we temporarily kicked James out of the crib, and he slept in the pack 'n play in his room for the majority of his 7th month. The softer netting has much more give and is much safer to fall into than wood...
"How I Roll"
Let me show you how it's done...
- Solid foods! James is still warming up to the idea of eating from a spoon. However, he has tried sweet potato, squash, carrots, sweet peas, apples, bananas and pears. His favorites are sweet potato, carrots and, most favored, peas (really? no wonder you are so strong!)!
- Mom's first trip/night away: A few weeks ago was Ann's Bachelorette party in Chicago! I was so nervous leaving James in another state, and overnight! But, I managed to store up enough milk to last a good 36 hours (hungry boy!) and knew he would be in goods hands with his Dad. The quick trip (Saturday morning - Sunday morning) was a great much needed girls getaway weekend to catch up with goods friends. And, Phil impressed all of us by watching James all day Saturday without enlisting the help of our parents. They had a fun guys' day bonding, and even managed to go to Pat and Meghan's for a cookout!
- First baseball game
- Goodbye to Nanny: Cara, James' girlfriend (and first nanny), went back to college. She has no idea how much she will be missed - made going back to work that much more relieving and enjoyable. Thank you, Cara! We look forward to seeing you when you are home on breaks!
- Waving & New Faces: James can wave! But not on command. As you can imagine, it is really cute. And, now that he has his two top teeth coming in, he has been making crazy faces...like this:
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