Monday, October 14, 2013

First Family Vacation - Florida! (Part 1)

September 23, 2013

At the end of September, we enjoyed our first family vacation!

This past year has been so hectic. We were really looking forward to getting some sun, relaxation, and family time away. We survived lots of firsts and LOVED having the downtime to just recharge and enjoy our family of three. And, our fears of traveling with an infant proved to not be that bad! In fact, James had a great time and truly went with the flow - such a relief! Thank you, James, for taking it easy on us. A great beginning to many fun family adventures and travels to come. 

The day James turned 9 months old, was the same day he got to travel on an airplane for the first time! He wasn't so sure of the whole situation at first, but once he saw all the people he could talk to, wave at, and play peek-a-boo with, he was in heaven. So much to take in!

 Big day! 
James looking very skeptical (as usual) sizing up the busy Monday morning airport shuffle. 
Observing the traveling ways and making friends  
Welcome to Orlando! 
Picking up the car to drive to Daytona Beach, and telling all of the people waiting in line about his first plane ride success! 

Did I mention he is also teething??
 FOUR MORE teeth are cutting through (two on each side of his top two teeth), which means J now has EIGHT visible teeth! (And yes, I am still nursing... !)
After an hour drive, we made it to Daytona Beach!

It was time for James's first visit to see the ocean!
The very first day we introduced James to the ocean and dipped his toes in, he really wasn't so sure.  There were lots of shifty-eyed glances and hesitation to touch the water. Who could blame him. If the ocean and size of the waves look big to us, just think how big they must look to someone just over two feet tall. Could you imagine a wave coming toward you that was almost three times your size?! And, he listens to the sound of the ocean at night on his white noise machine, so we wondered if the sound was comforting, yet also mind blowing at the same time (... this is the sound from my THIS is where it comes from?!). 
 Not so sure, but feeling safer with Dad
Once his toes were in, he really didn't mind the big rush of the water or his toes sinking into the sand. He just stood there, quietly observing as water would come up to his knees and then quickly retreat back with each wave.

 His little heart was beating so fast! What a thrilling new experience.

 We set up shop on the beach for James to be able to get some shade and play...
But he didn't stay put for very long before he decided he wanted to go back for more. 
James was fascinated with the sand.
Our little beach baby

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