Saturday, August 11, 2012

First Ultrasound - Almost 19 weeks!

July 20, 2012

On Friday, we had our first ultrasound. Phil and I were so excited that we took that day off for our "Baby Day." In the morning, we had our ultrasound appointment with Dr. Korey, and in the afternoon, we had our monthly checkup with Dr. Reinhold.

This was the big appointment where, if you wanted to know, you could find out the baby's gender! After weeks of talking about what we were going to do, we finally came to a compromise. Up until a few weeks ago, Phil was just fine with finding out our big surprise in the ultrasound room. However, suddenly something changed. He had made up his mind that he wanted to be surprised... in December, when the baby arrived. I, on the other hand, was so excited to find out, and still thought it would be fun a surprise any time you found out. A planner and nester by nature, I wanted to take full advantage of modern technology and learn the gender of our baby ahead of time, to prepare for his or her arrival! Before the big arrival, I was dreaming about decorating a welcoming nursery appropriately (either tailored for a little boy or girl) and thought it would feel more personal if we could finally refer to the baby as "her,"or "him", or "Baby Girl" or "Baby Boy," rather than just Baby.

So, we compromised and decided that we would find out before the baby's arrival, but not in the ultrasound room. Therefore, we didn't find out this day. Instead, we had the doctor circle the gender on a card, that we will open and reveal the big news with friends and family at our house warming party in mid-August!! That way, there is still the element of suspense, and surprise, and we will be able to share that moment with those close to us, rather than just the ultrasound tech and the doctor. Perfect solution!

We headed out to the new Cleveland Clinc health campus in Avon to meet Dr. Korey. What a great guy! So far, all of our doctor experiences have been wonderful. We were thrilled to hear that he thought Baby Gibbs looks healthy, has all of his or her pieces and parts and is on the road to being one cute little babe! After what seemed like only 5 minutes of reviewing all of the images from the ultrasound, he quickly wanted to circle his prediction on our card. Then, he signed and sealed the envelope for us. To be opened in about a month.... Hope we can wait that long!

Our card for the doctor to give us his best (hopefully accurate!) guess

After only a few minutes of reviewing, he quickly confirmed and circled one of the options above! 
Which do you think he circled? Is Baby Gibbs a little BOY or GIRL?!?!
Tell us your vote on the right side menu!

The envelope is sealed! Not to be opened until mid-August! ;)

We learned that Baby's heart has 4 chambers now, which was beating/flickering so quickly on the screen! His/her kidneys, brain, arms and legs all looked good and right on track for a Dec. 15th arrival. During the appointment, we saw the little one moving around constantly! Lots of movement in my belly! What an amazing experience to see a cute little baby kicking its legs on the screen, and then immediately feel those little kicks on my left side at the same time. It was confirmed that what I had been feeling these last few weeks were definitely little toes making their presence known! Quite a surreal experience. In addition to lots of moving around, baby also kept turning and facing us, as if to say “Hello out there! Who’s spying on me?!” Baby is already photogenic, as she/he kept looking right into the camera! Phil stared at the screen in amazement and couldn't believe that the baby on the monitor was inside my little belly!

After our appointment, we celebrated a good bill of health with Bob Evans, blueberry multi-grain pancakes, bacon, fruit and scrambled eggs!  :)

Baby Gibbs at almost 19 weeks

Turned head and body, starring straight into the camera at us!

What a cute little profile! In love already!

18 Weeks!

July 18, 2012
18 weeks!
Baby is now the length of a bell pepper. 
Feeling lots of little kicks on my left side!

And the maternity shirts begin! I have now reached the point where it is obvious to any onlooker that I am pregnant. This little belly seemed to have appeared overnight! At this point, I have still been able to wear most of my usual clothes. With the help of a belly band (fabulous invention), I can still wear my skinny jeans and shorts (I just can't button them!)! Outfits for work are definitely getting more creative these days, as I try to piece together things that I own that flatter my growing figure, yet are still work appropriate. Holding out to buy new clothes for as long as I can. However, recently, my good friend Casey was kind enough to lend me ALL of her past maternity wear. It was like Christmas in July!! My maternity wardrobe is now stocked with so many shirts, t-shirts, and pants... I am so thankful to be able to borrow (and fit into) it all! Thanks Casey! I promise to take good care of it, and give it right back to you, when you are ready for #3! ;)

Friday, August 10, 2012

16 Weeks - Feeling Some Movement!

June 30, 2012

This week, baby is the size of an avocado. 
Pass the guacamole, please!

This weekend, the Klindt ladies (Ann, Linds and Mama Klindt) were in town visiting Ann's boyfriend Matt's family, just about 1.5 hours south of us. The Klindt's are like my sisters. Since they were all so close, we had to go visit for the evening! It was so nice to see Ms. Klindt. I don't think I've seen her since college graduation at Miami! Many things have changed since then, it was long overdue! Matt's Dad owns a barn and land on his property that he rents out for weddings. That evening, we got to enjoy a cookout and watch a wedding take place, right in his front yard! It was a great summer night, with the perfect company. On the ride home, I had the first glimpse of tiny baby movement in my belly! Almost felt like little bubbles moving around in there. All that excitement really stirred him or her up!

Brookside Farm
Who wouldn't want to get married here?!

Lindsay, Me, Mama Klindt & Ann

16 weeks - First "Real"Belly Picture!

Proud parents-to-be!

14 Weeks!

June 22, 2012
This week, baby is the size of an apple!

Phil came with me for my monthly appointment and got to meet Dr. Jean Reinhold for the first time. After weeks of hearing me rave about how much I loved my doctor, he quickly understood why. She is so laid back and cool, answers all my questions, keeps me at ease, and makes the visit to the doctor actually fun! In such an exciting time, it's nice to be able to feel confident in our doctor who will be bringing our first child into the world!

Later we found out that Dr. Reinhold is pretty popular! Not that we were surprised, but I have learned that a few of my other friends who have recently had babies also had them delivered by her. We've heard she's great, and that definitely makes me feel more comfortable. Now, let's hope she doesn't plan any December vacations!

Dad-to-be, reading about Baby and my changing body at 4 months, 
and making me laugh as we wait for the doctor.  

At this visit, we were able to hear Baby Gibbs' fast little heartbeat with the Doppler machine for the first time! A strong 152 beats per minute. What a sweet sound! Phil can imitate the baby's heartbeat really well. It makes a rapid "Wooosh Wooosh Wooosh Wooosh" sound. I have gained about 5 pounds so far, feeling great, and everything is progressing just as it should!

Baby's First Trip to Chicago!

June 15, 2012

Every year for Lindsay's birthday, we make it a point to get together. Since it falls in the summer, now that she lives in Chicago, it's a great time to catch up as a "half-way" meeting point in the year and spend time together. This year would be no exception. Therefore, Phil and I got in the car and made the drive to hang out with the birthday girl for the weekend!

Baby G is now 14 weeks, about the size of an lemon! Maybe that's why I've been craving lemonade lately?! Arms are now proportioned to body, and a full head of hair is starting to grow. No movement that I can feel yet, though. If he or she arrives on the estimated due date, 12.15.12, Baby Gibbs will be born on Lindsay's half birthday! 

We had a great low key weekend in the windy city. I just love Chicago - so glad we have good friends to visit there!

Linds & I,
after the architectural boat tour!

Me, Baby G @ 14 weeks + the Hubs

12 Weeks!

June 6, 2012
Baby Gibbs is now the size of a lime!

The biggest development this week: Baby now has reflexes! Baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his/her toes will curl, eye muscles will clench, and mouth will make sucking movements. Nerve cells in the brain are multiplying rapidly, and Baby's face now looks unquestionably human! Grow Baby, grow! 

This week, Phil and I are busy unpacking. Lots of cleaning, unpacking and organizing to do! Good thing I am finally starting to get more energy and my appetite back. Our house is starting to feel more like home everyday!

Movin' to the 'Burbs - 11 Weeks!

May 26-28, 2012
(Memorial Day weekend)

Thank goodness for friends, and parents! With me being 11 weeks pregnant, and Phil fresh out of sinus surgery, if not for them, I'm not sure how we would have moved! A huge THANKS goes out to our heavy lifters Pat and Kevin, and to Lindsay for driving in from Chicago to help me pack and clean (perhaps letting her in on our "little secret" gave her the extra motivation for the drive?). We owe you guys!

Phil, pretending to help :)

Pat & Kevin, the guys behind the operation

 Our empty kitchen! 
Lots of "newlywed" meals were cooked in there.

One last photo in our empty downtown apartment. Our first place together!
Baby is now 11 weeks and the size of a fig. Almost to the end of the first trimester!

Goodbye East Fourth, Hello Suburbia!

Phil driving the sprinter moving van. 
Almost took out that cross-walk sign backing up!

Sinus Surgery & 10 Weeks

May 21, 2012

A week before we were set to move out of our apartment, Phil was scheduled for sinus surgery. For about a year, Phil's sinuses just kept acting up. After many sinus infections and attempts to remedy with the good old Nutty Pot solution, things just kept getting worse for him. Even to the point where his voice sounded nasally and he lost all sense of smell! Therefore, according to his doctor, there was no alternative solution other than surgery. Apparently, as his body's defense mechanism against allergens in the air, tiny polyps had built up and caused so much blockage that this was the only way to get them out!

Phil's mom and I stayed at the medical center together while Phil had his surgery. I was about 10 weeks pregnant (baby was the size of a prune). Discovering that we were expecting, the nurses congratulated him, saying you ready Daddy? as they wheeled him into the surgery room. This was his first time "being under," so he was a little nervous about what to expect. Apparently, as Phil recalls, it didn't take long before the anesthesia took him out. All he remembered was looking at the nurse saying, "I feel it (the sleepy gas)" and then he was out. After what felt like forever (maybe 9 hours later), Phil was out of surgery and in the out-patient recovery room for us to see. Dr. Cabrera assured us all went well, and said Phil was a little groggy, but doing great. All I can say is, Phil as a patient is hilarious. He was such a good sport, and only needed to take his pain killers for the first day. We were sent home with lots of instructions on what to eat and how to take care of Mr. Patient over the next week of recovery. Once the doctor learned we were moving the next weekend, emphasis was placed on "you cannot lift anything over 20 pounds, don't even try." What a time to be moving... neither Phil or I could lift anything heavy. How was this going to work? I was told he may be a little nauseous for the first few days, as the anesthesia wore off. Perfect, I thought. I am well acquainted with Mr. Nausea and how to dodge him, he and I go way back. And so, for the next few days, Phil and I stayed home, nauseous together; happily eating our bananas, crackers and soup and watching movies on the couch. :)

Me and the patient on an "African Safari" at Disney's Animal Kingdom, 
back in January. Just as Phil's sinuses really started acting up. 

After about 6 weeks, we are proud to say he has made a full recovery. And, can finally smell again!

Perfect Love

May 2012

To share Baby's first picture with our parents, I had matching frames made, inscribed with a loving quote. A fun little gift to proudly display and update as Baby grows!

9 Weeks - First Appointment!

May 18, 2012
Baby G is now the size of a grape! 
All essential body parts are now accounted for. 
Now time for rapid weight gain in the next few weeks!

My 9 week appointment with Dr. Reinhold was a success. After my trip to Canada, I was anxious to know whether baby was doing okay. The funny part was that I had just visited my doctor a few months before, in March, for a regular annual exam. At that appointment we talked about having babies, and how back in January Phil and I had decided we were just going to "see what happened this year," not knowing how long it would take to get pregnant. We didn't want to stress over trying to conceive within a certain time period. Whenever it was meant to happen, we were hopeful it would.

Well, as luck would have it, I was back to the doctor before I knew it. When my doctor came in she just laughed and said, "Well! That didn't take long! How are you feeling!?" I was feeling great, and found out that I had only gained a few pounds so far (not sure if that was baby-related, or thanks to my love affair with Tim Horton's breakfast sandwiches...). Although we were unable to hear baby's heartbeat with the Doppler at this appointment (still a week or so too early), this turned out to be a good thing because Phil wasn't able to come and I didn't want him to miss out on hearing it for the first time! Instead, my doctor wheeled in the sonogram, just to make sure there was a baby in there! Everything looked perfect! Baby Gibbs was moving around, and you could see a the little flicker of the heartbeat on the screen. Thanks to the sonogram, I got to take a picture home with me to share with Phil and our parents!

Little Baby Gibbs @ 9 weeks

We got the KEYS!

May 11, 2012
Our 1955 Cape Cod

The week I was coming home from Canada, Phil got the keys to our new home! Of course, the day I landed, I was anxious to go see it. And, we even got to meet our neighbors (who are very friendly)!

After looking at many houses in the area for a few months, we informally decided to "take a break" from house-hunting. However, one rainy Friday afternoon, which just happened to be my Mom's birthday (March 2), we got a call from our realtor. Did we still want to see this house? If so, we better see it that day, or else it would be sold by the weekend, she said. After teetering back and forth about whether we wanted to make the trip out in the rain to the suburbs, we decided, sure, why not? We were planning to go to my parents for dinner anyway to celebrate, and the house was on the way. Good thing we did! As we toured the house, two other couples were touring it as well. The sellers were home, so we got to meet them (nice couple) and their adorable little grandsons who were running all over the house. From the moment we stepped inside, we had a good feeling about it. The house just felt homey. With the help of the grandsons, I was even picturing our own kids running around that house one-day. Great neighborhood, good bones, lots of space to grow into, and checked the boxes for many of the items on our list. Plus, at a great price, it was a no-brainer to put it on "our list."

However, we didn't have time to "sleep" on any decisions. Our realtor advised us that if we were seriously interested, we better make an offer that night, as there were already a few offers on the table. That night?! As expected, Phil was all over it! I, of course, wanted to take more time to think it through before leaping into such a huge decision. However, deep down I knew it was the right thing to do. So, we made our offer. Two hours later (literally)... we got a call from our realtor. By this time we were at my parents' house. After considering 4 other offers that night, the seller's picked us! Just like that, in a matter of hours, we were under contract! Probably the fastest decision I never saw coming. But, one of the best! A great way to end the birthday celebration, with a champagne toast to my Mom and our accepted offer.

We love our new home! And, yes, we bought the house before I was even pregnant. :)

Oh Canada!

April 26, 2012

A little over a week after finding out I was pregnant, I was packing up for a two week solo trip to Calgary and Edmonton, in Canada, for work. As luck would have it, our client was going live onto SAP the first week of May, so off to Canada I went to support a Service Center during the transition! Although I had been to Canada just a few months earlier in December, for a similar experience, this time was completely different. This time, I had a new little passenger on board with me (the size of a lentil bean)! Of course, I was nervous about traveling so early on in my pregnancy (as was my Mom, naturally). Since I knew I would be traveling alone, thoughts around whether it was safe to fly, carry my own luggage, work hectic long days, etc., were running through my head. However, after talking to my doctor and getting the reassurance of "Yes, of course it's OK to travel. It's the best time while the baby is little. Just make sure to walk around and drink plenty of water," made me feel more comfortable. So, off to Canada we went!

Canada marked the beginning of my experience with "pregnancy symptoms," of which I had been reading about, but hoping to avoid. Oh and they came on full force! Although I was never physically sick, I quickly learned that these next few weeks were going to be rough. For me, there was no morning sickness, just all day nausea. This was the end of most all foods tasting good to me. It's the worst feeling being hungry and finding out everything you try to eat (which sounds good) makes you want to gag. However, I kept reminding myself that it was all for a good cause, and that these feelings would only be temporary. At the breakfast buffet my hotel had every morning, I soon figured out that cereal, orange juice and fruit (mostly pineapple and apples) tasted great! However, powdered eggs and bacon, forget it! Finding fast food lunch items that I could handle (what, no more turkey sandwiches?!) was a struggle, and dinner was hit and miss every time (see ya Chicken Parmesan, salmon and veggies, tacos, soup, broccoli, anything; two bites and you're out). For the majority of our stay in Canada my diet consisted of cereal, orange juice, yogurt, Tim Horton's breakfast sandwiches (sausage, egg and cheese on a biscuit, please!), granola bars and either chicken sandwiches or cheeseburgers from Wendy's. Whatever works! One major plus about traveling solo though, was definitely the fact that I was able to go to bed by 8:30 or 9 p.m. every night! Amazing!

The saving grace which I looked forward every morning before heading into a big day at work was breakfast and the daily update on my Baby Center and Health & Pregnancy phone apps! Oh what our phones can do these days. Getting to read about all of the new developments Baby Gibbs was making on that trip amazed me every day (nose, mouth and ears begin to take shape, tissue for lungs begins to grow, baby's brain, muscles and bones begin to form, hands and feet begin to emerge, the "tail" of the once tadpole looking baby is now gone...). It was surreal to think that over the course of the trip, Baby G grew so much, starting from the size of a lentil bean and graduating to the size of a kidney bean by the time we left!

After spending one week in Calgary, I was scheduled to be on-site in Edmonton the following week. But first, over the weekend, everyone kept telling me that I had to go to Banff on my drive up to Edmonton. Banff National Park is about 1.5 hours west of Calgary, in the Canadian Rockies. Edmonton is about 3 hours north of Calgary. Being so close to the spot where so many Canadians and visitors from around the world come to visit either for a short holiday weekend, or for a mountain getaway, I had to stop and see Banff for the day. So glad I did - it is absolutely beautiful! Definitely a spot to come back to with Phil and our future family one day!

7 weeks pregnant @ Banff National Park
(Baby is the size of a blueberry!)

Shopping on Banff's main street. Felt like I was back in Switzerland, surrounded by the mountains. It was such a peaceful town; a must to go back and spend more time at!

The famous Banff Springs Hotel. Looks like a castle, inside & out!

The amazing view of the Canadian Rockies, 
from the deck at the Banff Springs Hotel

And of course, I couldn't leave Banff without getting a little souvenir for Baby Gibbs. After all, this was his/her first trip to Canada. Had to get something to remember it by! For a December baby, we decided on the little "Bear Bottom" red long john onesie, on the left. :)

Telling Our Parents

April 15, 2012

The next day (Sunday), we were excited to share the good news with our parents. We picked up these adorable "Sweet Pea" cards to help express to them how much they mean to us, along with a bottle of sparkling grape juice. In the card, we thanked them for being such loving and supporting parents to us over the years; perfect examples of what we hope to be for our little "Sweet Pea" to-be. And most of all, how fun it was going to be that they are going to be GRANDPARENTS again! Seeing their faces light up after reading their cards, and realizing just what exactly we were telling them, made our day. I wish I had my camera to capture the surprised and excited looks on their faces. What a fun day! 

Now the hard part... keeping our little "secret" to ourselves for the next 8 weeks, until it was "safe" to share the news with friends and family!

We Are Going To Be Parents!

April 14, 2012

In March, we decided to get away for a much needed warm weather vacation. We had both working around the clock, and after months of winter, decided "spring break" in Sedona, Arizona was the perfect place to get away from it all; relax, get some sun, and celebrate my birthday! 

Well, we must have brought the snow with us! When we landed in Scottsdale, the weather was a beautiful 75 degree day. However, when we woke up in Sedona the next day, the red rocks of the desert were covered in snow! Being from Ohio, the snow was not anything new to us. However, it maybe snows in Sedona about once, or never, a year. Therefore, the locals were thrilled! The vacationers, not so much. Although, seeing the snow cover Sedona did seem magical. Glad we were lucky enough to get to experience it!

A powered sugar covered Bell Rock 

 Cathedral Rock

Golf course at our hotel

A few days later, the snow had melted, and the weather turned right back up to the high 70 degree temps we were hoping for! We were able go off-roading in a jeep tour in the heart of the red rocks, Phil was able to golf and I was able to lay by the pool. Overall, it was the perfect getaway! :)

Well, a month later...

After a few weeks of just not feeling quite right, I decided it was necessary to take a pregnancy test,  just to reassure myself... was it either a yes, you can still have that glass of wine without feeling guilty, OR no, no more wine for you, you are pregnant?!? I had all of the symptoms of what I thought was just PMS coming to make her monthly visit - felt extremely tired, achy and crampy. No morning sickness or any clue that I really could be pregnant (was it just in my head?!). However, after a missed period (like, by one day), of course I started to get suspicious. 

To put my mind at ease, I took the test while Phil was out golfing. I set a timer and did a quick cleaning of the apartment to keep myself busy during those few minutes of letting the test "cook" on the bathroom counter. Once the alarm went off, I causally went into the bathroom, flipped on the light switch and... TWO pink lines! It was official! I couldn't believe it - I was so excited. I think I jumped up and down and did a happy dance, beaming with a smile from ear to ear. 

Now, the big question in my head was... what is going to be a fun way to share this life-changing news with Phil?! I really wanted to make it special. After all, he got to surprise me with a proposal, so it was my turn to surprise him now! However, I had to think quickly. Not long after finding out, Phil texted me to say they were wrapping up golf and he would be home in about 45 minutes. Good thing we were living downtown! I quickly put my shoes on, ran downstairs and hopped across the street to the CLE Visitors gift store, on the corner of our street. An Urban Outfitters meets Cleveland apparel type store. I had been eyeing all of the cute Ohio and Cleveland clothes in the windows for awhile, every time we walked out of our apartment.  So, I knew exactly what I was looking for... a cute baby onesie to share the news! Next, headed over to pick up a few celebratory cupcakes from a new cupcake bakery right around the corner from us. And finally, ran back upstairs to write out a card for Phil and wait for him to come home!

While I waited, I placed the card on our coffee table to greet him when he came home and sat down on the couch. His first clue something was up - a note titled "Happy Spring!":

Then, I hid the little gift behind the pillow on "Phil's side" of our couch:

Card titled, "Spring has Sprung!"

Little note to Phil telling him all the little things I love about him...

and another one letting him in on the SURPRISE! 
He really is going to be the best dad!

And, just in case he didn't believe me, or needed "the proof"...

Yes, it's official! Completely pregnant!

Sweet treats. 
Chocolate peanut butter and champagne "pop 'n' bubbles" flavors. 
Completely appropriate and a delicious way to celebrate the exciting moment!

We are so thrilled and cannot wait to meet our little love bug/Ohio baby this December!!