Friday, August 10, 2012

9 Weeks - First Appointment!

May 18, 2012
Baby G is now the size of a grape! 
All essential body parts are now accounted for. 
Now time for rapid weight gain in the next few weeks!

My 9 week appointment with Dr. Reinhold was a success. After my trip to Canada, I was anxious to know whether baby was doing okay. The funny part was that I had just visited my doctor a few months before, in March, for a regular annual exam. At that appointment we talked about having babies, and how back in January Phil and I had decided we were just going to "see what happened this year," not knowing how long it would take to get pregnant. We didn't want to stress over trying to conceive within a certain time period. Whenever it was meant to happen, we were hopeful it would.

Well, as luck would have it, I was back to the doctor before I knew it. When my doctor came in she just laughed and said, "Well! That didn't take long! How are you feeling!?" I was feeling great, and found out that I had only gained a few pounds so far (not sure if that was baby-related, or thanks to my love affair with Tim Horton's breakfast sandwiches...). Although we were unable to hear baby's heartbeat with the Doppler at this appointment (still a week or so too early), this turned out to be a good thing because Phil wasn't able to come and I didn't want him to miss out on hearing it for the first time! Instead, my doctor wheeled in the sonogram, just to make sure there was a baby in there! Everything looked perfect! Baby Gibbs was moving around, and you could see a the little flicker of the heartbeat on the screen. Thanks to the sonogram, I got to take a picture home with me to share with Phil and our parents!

Little Baby Gibbs @ 9 weeks

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