July 18, 2012
18 weeks!
Baby is now the length of a bell pepper.
Feeling lots of little kicks on my left side!
And the maternity shirts begin! I have now reached the point where it is obvious to any onlooker that I am pregnant. This little belly seemed to have appeared overnight! At this point, I have still been able to wear most of my usual clothes. With the help of a belly band (fabulous invention), I can still wear my skinny jeans and shorts (I just can't button them!)! Outfits for work are definitely getting more creative these days, as I try to piece together things that I own that flatter my growing figure, yet are still work appropriate. Holding out to buy new clothes for as long as I can. However, recently, my good friend Casey was kind enough to lend me ALL of her past maternity wear. It was like Christmas in July!! My maternity wardrobe is now stocked with so many shirts, t-shirts, and pants... I am so thankful to be able to borrow (and fit into) it all! Thanks Casey! I promise to take good care of it, and give it right back to you, when you are ready for #3! ;)
LOVE the blog and looking forward to following! This is such a neat thing to have as time goes on as the perfect memory book. And, by the way, you might need those for baby gibbs #2 before I need them back for #3! :) ha!